self recognition

Finding Your Value: From Invisibility to Self-Recognition

February 10, 20253 min read

Have you ever felt unseen, even by yourself?

There are moments in life when the weight of loss and grief can envelop us so profoundly that we begin to feel invisible—not only to the world around us but also to ourselves. It's as if the vibrancy of our presence fades, leaving behind a shadow of who we once were. In these times, it’s easy to feel like a ghost moving through life, unseen and unheard.


Grief has a way of distorting reality, creating a veil through which the world seems distant and indifferent. During such periods, you might carry the silent hope that someone will notice your pain and validate your existence. But often, those around us are caught up in their own lives, leaving us feeling isolated in our emotional struggle. The irony of invisibility is that it's painfully loud; it screams for attention and acknowledgment.

Yet, amid this struggle, something truly transformative can happen. It's a journey, often an unintentional one, toward self-recognition and reclaiming your inherent value. When the world doesn't see you, you are invited, though reluctantly, to see yourself more clearly.

Steps Toward Reclaiming Your Visibility and Value

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions: The first step in breaking through invisibility is to acknowledge the swirling mix of emotions within you. Give yourself permission to feel—whether it's sadness, anger, or even numbness. Every emotion is valid and is a testament to your inner world processing significant change.

2. Begin a Dialogue with Yourself: In silence, we often find our inner voice, one that has been waiting patiently to be heard. Start journaling your thoughts or speaking them out loud. This acts as a reminder to yourself that your voice matters, even if just for your own ears.

3. Celebrate Small Victories: As you start to put one metaphorical foot in front of the other, recognize the small wins. Maybe it's getting out of bed on a tough morning or reaching out to a friend. These actions are proof that you are resilient and possess the courage to care for yourself.

4. Engage in Acts of Kindness: Sometimes, in giving we find a piece of ourselves we forgot was there. Acts of kindness, whether directed at others
or ourselves, build a bridge back to connection and foster a sense of worth and belonging.

5. Seek Affirming Spaces:
Surround yourself with people and environments that affirm your existence and value. This may involve stepping into new communities or speaking up in spaces where you feel encouraged to share your truth.

6. Embrace Your Uniqueness: Every person’s grief journey is unique, shaped by their personal experiences and growth. Embrace what makes you unique, and allow that to become a source of strength and inspiration.


As you travel this path, you’ll come to realize that you are more than the pain of your past and the invisibility you once felt. You are a tapestry of experiences, stories, and emotions, each adding to your depth and beauty.

In the end, the recognition that you matter—completely and unequivocally—is the greatest victory. This inner acknowledgment paves the way for visibility that no external validation can match. Remember, in your own eyes, heart, and soul, you are valuable beyond measure. You are seen.

With love,

Njeri Njuhigu

If this resonated with you, share it with someone who needs to hear it. And if you’re looking for support on your grief journey, join me at for grief masterclasses, resources, and a community that understands.

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